Mosman High School

Telephone02 9968 1006

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What do I do if…

I am anticipating taking travel leave / other leave …

Parents should request approval from the Principal in writing outlining the dates and reason for the leave. For leave over five days, parents will be required to complete an application and provide documents as requested. This process needs to be completed prior to a student taking leave.

I am late…

Go to the front office to swipe in using your swipe card and collect a pass to go into class.

I need to leave school early…

Bring a note signed and dated by a parent stating the time and reason for leaving early. Give this note to the front office before school who will organise to have this authorised by a Deputy. You will then need to collect a leave pass from the office at recess or lunch to leave class at the nominated time.

I am sick…

You must tell the teacher in your class that you are sick. The teacher will send you with a note to the front office and the school assistants will contact your parents.

I have been absent from school…

On your first day back bring a note explaining your absence to the school office.

I need to pay for excursions, etc…

Go to the front office before school, recess or lunchtime.

I have changed my address or parent contact number…

Go to the front office and supply this information before school, recess or lunchtime.

I am going to a new school…

Your parents must notify the school in writing. You need to collect a leaver’s form from the office and take it to each teacher listed for signature. Return all textbooks and library books.

I have money or valuables…

Leave money and valuables at the front office. Never leave money in your bag.

I need to take medication during school hours…

All medication must be bought to the Deputy Principals who will store and administer to you when needed.

Who do I see if…

I am being bullied or harassed…

See your Student Year Adviser, the Deputy or any other teacher

I am depressed, worried or feeling stressed…

See our School Counsellor, your Student Year Adviser or Head Teacher Stage 4, 5 or 6.

I am the victim of discrimination or racism…

See our Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Racism Officer or deputy.

I am having trouble in the playground…

See the teacher on duty.

I have my bag or money stolen…

See a Deputy Principal.

I am concerned about subject selection or I want advice about career choices…

See your teacher or the Careers Adviser.

I need a locker…

See the library staff.

I have lost my timetable…

See the office staff or a friend.

I am a girl needing help…

See the Stage Head Teacher.

I am worried about my friend…

See either the School Counsellor, your Student Year Adviser, the Stage Head Teacher or any other member of staff.

I need help with my schoolwork…

See your subject teacher or our Support Teacher.