Mosman High School

Telephone02 9968 1006


All students in Years 7-10 engage in a weekly sport activity.

Mosman High School offers a variety of sports, catering for a wide range of interest and ability. Some are only offered in summer, others only in winter. Students have the opportunity to represent the school in a range of knock-out sports as well as participate in sports and recreation activities including learn to surf, sailing, weight training/gym and rock climbing.

Thursday Period 1 & 2 – Year 7 & Year 8

Thursday Period 3 & 4 – Year  9 & Year 10

Sports Co-ordinator: Mr Watson

Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 sport

Our Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students participate in an individual program that is specific for each year and changes each term. They are involved in a range of sports and activities over the course of the year. Students are introduced to surfing, frisbee, netball, touch football and soccer. In addition, swimming, athletics and cross country carnivals are held throughout the year. Students compete in their House groups for the coveted title of ‘House Champions’  and all year groups are encouraged to compete to achieve personal bests and possibly represent Mosman at zone, regional and state carnivals.

Year Sport Program

The following sports are woven into the individual Year Groups programs.

  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Fencing
  • Fitness First
  • Kayaking
  • Paddle Boarding
  • Pilates
  • Rock Climbing (indoor)
  • Sailing
  • Soccer
  • Table tennis
  • Tennis
  • Ten Pin Bowling
  • Touch Football
  • Surfing (learn to)
  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Zumba

All Year 7 participate in Learn to Surf in Term 1, which has a first aid component.

The following winter sports are also integrated into the Year Group’s program

  • basketball
  • soccer
  • volleyball
  • netball
  • touch football

Knock-Out competitions

Each year Mosman High enters a number of teams into various State Knockout competitions. Examples include:


  • Basketball
  • Rugby League
  • Rugby Union
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Touch Footie


  • Netball
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Touch Footie

Parents, remind your keen sports students to pay attention to daily roll call throughout the year, where information on which sports are trialling, and how and where to trial, will be given.

Annual Sports Presentation Day

Mosman High is very proud of its annual sports assembly in November, where high achieving athletes are rewarded for their efforts. Guest speakers have included Bryanne Crabb, world ranked tennis player, Rene Farrell, Australian women’s cricket fast bowler, Phil Kearns, past Australian Rugby Union captain, Diana Dent, Australian Dragon Boat coach, past Sydney Kings Basketball player Luke Cooper, and past Australian Netball Captain Anne Sargeant. Phil indicated that the school’s motto “Only effort earns success” has so much meaning in sport. Mosman High strongly encourages all our students to choose an area of sporting interest and aim for personal best at either an individual or team level.

Awards given include

  • Sportswoman of the year
  • Sportsman of the year
  • Leadership award
  • School Blues (awarded to those achieving at High State and National level)
  • Age Champions for swimming, cross country and athletics
  • Grade Sport best and Fairest
  • Any special awards.

Sports Committee

This is an active committee that encourages the expansion of school sport. Our mission statement is to support, promote and encourage a vibrant Sports culture at MHS. We encourage other parents to join us. We generally meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 6.00pm in the School Foyer (unless another school event is scheduled for that evening).

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