Mosman High School

Telephone02 9968 1006


Years 7-10

The Science Department at Mosman High School is intent on ensuring that our students enjoy Science during the compulsory years 7 to 10

(Stages 4 and 5).

We believe strongly that students learn best by doing and thus feel that frequent practical activities are indispensable to each student’s experience of science which is so much a part of their world.

The current Science Stages 4 and 5 Syllabus followed at Mosman High (and all other schools in NSW) contains the following overview in its introduction:

Syllabus Overview

The study of Science in Stages 4 and 5 develops students’ scientific knowledge and understanding, skills and values and attitudes within broad areas of science that encompass the traditional disciplines of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and the Earth Sciences. As well as acquiring scientific knowledge and skills, students apply their understanding to everyday life and develop an appreciation of science as a human activity.

Students learn about the need to conserve, protect and maintain the environment, the use and importance of technology in advancing science and the role of science in developing technology. Students also develop an appreciation of, and skills in, selecting and using resources and systems to solve problems.

Our programs of study at Mosman encompass the spirit of this overview and include individual student research projects as well as the development of diverse technological skills.

Years 11-12

Science is not compulsory in years 11 and 12 (Stage 6). At Mosman, we offer 2 unit courses in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth and Environmental Science, and Senior Science.

In Year 11, 1 unit courses in Marine Studies and Introduction to Psychology may be studied. These courses build upon the foundations established in Stages 4 and 5 and are recognition of the wide range of abilities, circumstances, and expectations of the students entering Stage 6.