Our school can help with enrolment queries throughout the year.
Local enrolment area
Check your address on School Finder to see if it is within our local intake area. Most schools have designated local enrolment areas. Note: local enrolment areas are subject to change.
How to enrol
If you live in our intake area and would like to apply to enrol at our school, start by submitting an online enrolment application. Online enrolment is currently only available for Australian or New Zealand citizens and permanent residents.
If you are not able to apply online or you prefer not to, download the paper application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form. Please complete the form in English. A translated application to enrol may help you do this.
Online enrolment can also be used for out-of-area enrolment. Please note that out-of-area enrolment procedures are subject to the department’s enrolment policy.
Enrolment applications are finalised at the school.
For more information, visit sTpe school enrolment.
For more information, visit:
How to enrol - Year 6 into Year 7
In NSW government schools, applying to move from primary school to high school is a 2-step process that starts with an Expression of Interest. Visit the moving to high school page to learn more about the process.
- If you have received an offer from our school for placement into Year 7 next year, the next step is to visit online enrolment to proceed with the offer and complete the enrolment application.
- If you did not submit an expression of interest or are not eligible, visit online enrolment to start a new application to our school.
- If you submitted your expression of interest using a paper form, or would prefer not to enrol online, use the application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form.
Moving to high school
Visit the moving to high school page to find out more about the transition of year 6 students into year 7.
Temporary visas and international students
The Temporary Residents Program has information about eligibility and the forms to complete an application.
Distance education
Distance education is an equity program for students who are geographically isolated or whose individual circumstances prevent them from regularly attending school. Students must meet one of the conditions in the Distance Education Enrolment Procedures to be eligible to access this program as a full-time student.
For more information about educational opportunities in rural areas, visit Rural and distance education.
Following the general principles outlined in the DEC Procedures “Enrolment of Students in Government Schools”, all children are entitled to seek to be enrolled at their local secondary school that is designated for the intake area within which the child’s home is situated and that the child is eligible to attend. The Education Act states that all children must attend school between the ages of six and 17 years of age.
Students seeking to enrol should have an Application to enrol in a NSW Government school completed on their behalf. Parents/carers ONLY have priority in their local school.
(The suburbs of Mosman, Cremorne, Neutral Bay and Kirribilli are within the local catchment area for Mosman High School)
At Mosman High School the primary criteria for acceptance of non-local enrolments (as specified in DEC Procedures for Secondary School Enrolment) will include the availability of appropriate staff and permanent classroom accommodation.
How to Enrol
Apply online. If you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident you are eligible to complete the online enrolment application. You will then need to finalise the application at the school.
If you are not eligible or prefer not to enrol online, use the application to enrol form. Please complete the form in English. A translated application to enrol may help you do this.
For more information, visit high school enrolment.
Enrolment Ceiling and Enrolment Buffer
Mosman High School maintains an enrolment ceiling, based on available permanent accommodation and total numbers in each year group.
Placement Panel
Parents/caregivers have the right to appeal enrolment at Mosman High School and can do so in writing to the Principal. Mosman High School has established a placement panel consisting of a member of the Executive, a staff member and a representative of the P & C to consider and make recommendations on enrolment appeals. The decision for Years 7 – 12 enrolment application appeals will be communicated to parents/caregivers.
Criteria for Non-local Enrolment Applications
The placement criteria for non-local applicants (listed below) will be used by the panel to establish an order of placement, so as to offer a position at the school when local enrolment numbers permit.
Years 7
- Siblings attending the school
Years 8, 9 and 10
- Siblings attending the school
Years 11 and 12
- Siblings attending the school
- Availability of subjects or combinations of subjects
The Principal will ensure that the established criteria are applied equitably to all applicants. Parents will be provided with an explanation of the decisions of the placement panel should they request it.
Local enrolment applications
Families must live in our drawing area for them to be considered ‘local’ enrolments. Parents/caregivers are required to show residential verification proof.
Required documentation
Every new enrolment must have:
- Original birth certificate, or passport and visa (if applicable)
- Notice of assessment from the Intensive English Centre (if recently arrived in Australia). Front Office staff will advise parents/carers on how to arrange an appointment for this assessment.
- Other relevant documents, such as Court Order, AVO, etc.
- The two most recent school reports. If lost, arrangements need to be made by the parents/carers with the former school to have these posted/ faxed/emailed so as to be able to present these to Mosman High School.
- Other reports, including NAPLAN and documentation relating to the welfare of the student if applicable.
- ROSA or Preliminary Certificate/Record of Achievement originals must be provided if enrolling into Year 11 or 12.
- The name, position and telephone number of a contact staff member from their former school (a preferred person of recommendation).
- Clearance forms from the previous school must be provided before enrolment is finalised.
The enrolment process
At the enrolment interview, the student’s reports and other documents provided will be used as the basis for a discussion of appropriate class placement and subject selection. Selection of subjects will be subject to availability.
School procedures and routines will be discussed at the enrolment interview.
Any student who is not an Australian or New Zealand citizen must have an appropriate residency visa, or approval to enrol in accordance with the conditions set by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).
The Principal will explain the DEC procedures which must be followed, including the completion of the Application to enrol in a NSW Government School form and request for information from the previous school.
The Principal may send the Request for Information form to the student’s previous school to check on any history of violent behaviour or learning support needs. The Principal will contact non-government schools directly to check on any such needs.
If necessary, DEC personnel (student welfare, learning support) will be contacted regarding additional support required. Any health issues (eg anaphylaxis, diabetes) must be addressed by the development of a personal health care plan before enrolment.
Subjects requiring financial contributions to cover course costs and any voluntary school contributions are to be paid at time of enrolment. Students, parents and the school enter into an agreement for enrolment.
Year 11 and 12 enrolments will discuss their subject choices with the Principal subject to class numbers, course availability, past patterns of study and Board of Studies requirements. It should be noted that students wishing to enrol into Year 12 must have a compatible pattern of study available and a successful academic record in this pattern of study for their enrolment to be accepted.
All forms must be completed at the time of interview and returned to the School Office. A timetable will be generated on enrolment day. In general, the enrolment process will require 1 – 2 days for completion (dependent on prompt return of information by previous schools).
SASS staff will establish a file, check documents (e.g. Transfer Certificate and Records Transfer) and update ERN.
Students are placed into a roll call group. All students are advised of how to use and obtain a swipe card to record attendance.
The first day at school
The Principal will inform the enrolment officer of the student’s start date. The enrolment officer will meet the student at the Front Office and arrange for a student buddy to show her/him around the school.
Class teachers will not add students to any class roll unless they have sighted the student’s enrolment details form indicating that they have been placed in that class.
The Principal will ensure that any known issues are referred to the Year Adviser and, if necessary, the Learning Support Team, Careers Adviser, STLA, Counsellor or Welfare Team, so that students can be provided with appropriate support.
Moving overseas
Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT?
Email document.authentication@det.nsw.edu.au to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.