How to apply
Students wishing to enrol in this program should be prepared to:
- participate in the audition process (in dance, drama and/or music)
- submit a portfolio (in visual arts)
- sit an examination (for academic extension)
We do accept out of area enrolments into our Special Programs stream. Please contact the school for further info.
Closing date for applications: Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Applicants need to complete the application form and return the form with proof of payment to the school by the due date.
Date of Academic Extension Test:
Tuesday, 1 April 2025 (10:00am till approx 1:00pm)
(with optional Acccelerated Maths paper: 10:00am till approx 1:30pm)
Only those who have applied will be able to sit the test.
Auditions and presentations of portfolios will occur in the week Monday, 31 March - Friday, 4 April 2025.
Cost per program: $50.00
Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions and Timeline for further information.
Dance Audition
The audition will consist of:
- Participation in a contemporary dance group class
- Performance of centrework, corner exercises and a short piece of choreography
- Student to wear dance clothes - leotard/singlet and shorts or stockings
Drama Audition
The audition will consist of:
- Warm-up games
- Scene work
- Performance of one of the selected monologues
Performance criteria:
- Voice
- Characterisation
- Movement
- Audience awareness
- Team work
At the end of the audition, be prepared for a short interview concerning your performance and expectations of the course.
Music Audition
The audition will consist of:
- Performance of 2 contrasting pieces
- 2 x major and 2 x minor scales of your choice
- Sight reading
Performance criteria:
- Musicality
- Skill
- Presentation
- Communication
Visual Arts Portfolio
An interview will take place by appointment for presentation of your portfolio. The portfolio should:
- Consist of mainly recent work in any medium or media.
- Not be too large (able to be easily transportable). Suggest A2 maximum.
- Limit the number of work from between 6 to 10 pieces.
- Student to be present when portfolio is reviewed and should be able to talk about their work and ideas.
Academic Extension Test
Students wishing to enrol in this program should provide a copy of their Year 5 NAPLAN results and be prepared to sit the academic test.
Applicants must provide a passport size photograph.
Students will be tested in the areas of English, maths, science and writing. Students should arrive 10 minutes before the examination and bring something to eat and drink as there will be a break.
The examination can take up to two and a half hours.
If students wish to apply for the Academic Extension - Mathematics Accelerated stream, they will be required to complete an additional 30 minute accelerated maths paper.